【体育博彩】Lecture by Prof. Lin Shu: About behavioral finance research and investment strategy discussion under the Chinese background


EFIT Yingjie Liu  Minzhe Sun

At 6:30 pm of October 18th, Professor Lin Shu, professor of the department of Finance in the Nanjing 体育博彩, was invited by the Institute of Economics and Finance (IEF) of Nanjing Audit 体育博彩 to give a talk called The sharing about behavioral finance research and investment strategy discussion under the Chinese background.

At the beginning, Dr. Lin stressed the importance of studying behavioral finance. He used the example that several behavior people would do when faced with a snake to introduce the panic moment when people are faced with the fluctuations in bourses. Aside from this, he listed the many behavior of being overconfidence. In conclusion, he suggested that people are always tend to be moody. As a result, we should stress the importance of studying behavioral finance. The stock market have some certain laws. To understand this, having the ability to analyze the information counts, which will lead to great profit. Students are all impressed with the interesting speech, so they all communicate actively with Dr.Lin . Lin introduced that the existence of automatic trade by the help of computer. This shows the that having the ability of solving problems using computers is of great importance.Students acquired a deep impression of behavioral finance and the future of market after this speech. They all hope that wonderful speech like this should be given more.